Closed-loop controlled electromechanical drives have become an integral part of almost every industry. A major challenge in production engineering is the precise, dynamic and repeatable adjustment of the position and speed of movable machine components. Basic requirements are effective trajectory tracking control along with the compensation of disturbances.
For this purpose, the ISW researches novel control and compensation methods to increase the accuracy, dynamics and energy efficiency of electromechanical drives. Great importance is attached to the industrial suitability of the developed methods.
We work with a variety of technologies from different manufacturers. Our test benches consist of several machines and robots for the investigation of drive technology issues as well as for application-oriented validation. In addition, we have parameterized dynamic models of common drive systems for the safe and time-efficient investigation of the developed methods and concepts.
Get in touch
Nico Helfesrieder
M.Sc.Research Assistant "Drive Systems and Motion Control"
Colin Reiff
M.Sc.Research Assistant "Mechatronic Systems and Processes"