Initiatives of Excellence

The ISW lands again at the federal and state governments in the excellence initiatives. Learn more about it here.

Exzellenzcluster Simulation Technology (SRC SimTech)

The ISW is member of the excellence cluster SRC SimTech and makes substantial contributions to the application of simulation as a tool in production engineering. The use of simulation technology allows the fast and efficient analysis of new machines in the industrial practice and the optimization of existing facilities. For a long time simulation is now part of the toolbox of modern control engineering and it is used for the layout and control of manufacturing machines and robots. Typical applications of simulation are the optimization of the performance of existing production plants, the design of new robots and the acceleration of the engineering process concerning the commissioning of machine tools. For this purpose, simulation tools for the use in real-time controls are developed and applied at the ISW. Especially by means of hardware-in-the-loop components or even entire machines are replaced by simulation of a realistic behavior.

Within SimTech two research project are funded at the moment, which deal with vibration compensation in lightweight machine tools and with the modelling of dynamic behaviour of cables in robots. Beyond this, the ISW is active in a multitude of research projects concerning real-time simulation.

Simulation and modelling

Wether in production, medicine, weather forecasts or many other life areas: Simulation and modelling are the indispensable solution methods for complex problems in natural and engineering sciences as well as in humanities and life sciences. The combination of simulation technology from various disciplines and theories in a holistic systems science is the objective of the excellence cluster SimTech, which was established in 2007 and will now be funded for another five years.

Such a total view reaches beyond subject boundaries and supports all aspects from the model to the interactive system. SimTech has managed in the first funding period to join the different competences in the field of simulation research at the University of Stuttgart. Thus the research association could establish an excellent, interdisciplinary basis, from which the cluster will profit in the years to come. Especially the work on the visionary application fields defined by SimTech will be intensified. This is, for example, the simulation-based design of new materials with customized hightech properties, the completely virtualized development of prototypes and the simulation of complex and comprehensive methods in environmental engineering.

In addition, the research work in the areas biomechanics and systems biology will be more closely integrated, in order to come closer to the vision of a holistic human model. Finally, also the topic “High Performance Computing” becomes more a focus of attention. For example, the cooperation with the High Performance Computing Center of the University of Stuttgart, will be expanded. Here the cluster benefits from the new computer system “Hermit”, which was initiated in the beginning of 2012 and assumes momentarily rank 12 among the TOOP500 list of the worldwide fastest civil super computers.

Next to the research on new strategies in simulation technology the excellence cluster focuses on the future support of young scientists. Consequently the successful elite study program “Simulation Technology” will be continued, just like the graduate school SimTech, in which at present approximately 100 postgraduate students work on their doctoral thesis. Besides this, SimTech is planning to establish its own “Junior Academy” in the coming years.

SimTech Website

Graduate School of Excellence advanced Manufacturing Engineering (GSaME)

The ISW participates with the cluster „Intelligent Production Facilities“ in the Graduate School of Excellence advanced Manufacturing Engineering (GSaME) of the University of Stuttgart. Six PhD students are doing research as scholarship holders of GsaME at the ISW.

Future top executives have to have not only a high degree of expertise and multidisciplinary knowledge, but also capabilities for systematic further development and application of problem-solving, decision-making and action compentences. They must be open to new, possibly unrelated ideas or solutions. The „Graduate School of Excellence advanced Manufacturing Engineering (GSaME)“ funded by the German Research Association (DFG) within the exellence initiative educates such high potentials within a specifically developed  cooperative, interdisciplinary promotion program.

The intention of the Graduate School is to create the optimum conditions for graduating with the degree Dr.-Ing. and Dr. rer. pol. as well as for the support of a scientifically qualified junior staff by means of a model, which allows not only original scientific work but also a methodical, technical and extracurricular qualifications. Binding, transparent and adequate care structures support and demand the achievement of research and qualification targets within a PhD period of only four years.

GSaME Webseite

Get in touch

This image shows Armin Lechler

Armin Lechler


Managing Chief Engineer

This image shows Andreas Pott

Andreas Pott

PD Juniorprof. Dr.-Ing.

former Juniorprofessor

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