Special exhibition "Construction Bionics – Biology inspires Architecture"
In the special exhibition „Construction Bionics – Biology inspires Architecture“ interdisciplinary research results from Sonderforschungsbereich TRR141 are presented, in which construction methods and operating principles have been transferred from biology to technology. The lightweight pavilion "Forma Stabilitatis" (lat. beauty of strength/stability) shows how the shape and the supporting structure of a construction can be connected by means of material distribution. The arrangement of the pores is based on the stress state within the support structure. This approach allows the significant reduction of the structure‘s own weight while retaining its load-bearing capacity. The pavilion was designed by the Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design (ILEK) and manufactured and erected in cooperation with the ISW.
Further exhibits of the ISW, such as a cable kinematics demonstrator and the realization of additive shell formation for building envelopes, were exhibited in Schloss Rosenstein.